Men’s Night April 27, 2022 – The Next Generation

James Weidner III   -  
Men’s Night April 27, 2022 – Next Generation
The Next Generation 
April 27, 2022
Follow Up: Pursuing Accountable Relationships 
Introduction: Raising up the next generation.
Getting our family on mission. 
Creating a culture within your family and business world.
One challenge is being intentional with training our children/disciples yet not controlling.
Allowing our children to make their own decisions but with our guidance.
Providing the tools needed to make faith based strong decisions.
Group Question: What are we doing to be be intentional about raising up the next generation?
Transition: Take a look into the lineage of David.
David prepared the way for Solomon.
The family mission was the build the Lord a House.
2nd Generation: Solomon, David’s son, had women issues.
1 Kings 11:1-2
Solomon did fairly well in following the Lord at first.
He made a great sacrifice that got the Lord’s attention and granted Solomon any request.
Group question: what would you request if given a blank check. You can only answer that in your heart between you and the Lord.
But his women pulled his heart away from God.
3rd Generation: Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, had daddy issues.
1 Kings 12:12-15
Rehoboam’s big mistake was not listening to the cry of the people.
He was trying hard to live up tot he reputation of his Father King Solomon.
he was not secure in who he was.
Many men grow up having daddy issues.
Need to allow our Heavenly Father to come into these spaces.
Testify: My father and had a rough up bringing. I don’t have a whole lot of good memories and I cringed every time I think about the time my dad and I got into.a fist fight because I was a disrespectful entitled teenager.
Under Rehoboam the high places were erected.
1 Kings 14: 21-23
4th Generation: Abijah reigned for 3 years and had loyalty issues.
1 Kings 15:1-3
Followed the sins of his father.
Heart was not loyal to the Lord.
5th Generation: Asa reigned 41 years and did what was right.
1 Kings 15: 9-15
I have seen it a few times in my life time when the somehow a generation or two do not follow the Lord and the Lord gets a hold of a generation a few down the line.
this does not have to be the case in our day and age in a much better covenant.
Asa did allow family to get in his way of His loyalty to the Lord.
He removed his pervert grandmother from her position as Queen Mother because of her worship of obscene images.
He also took care of and was very generous to the House of the Lord.
Need to remain loyal to the Lord our whole life.
2 Chron 16:7-10