Who We Are

EQUIP is a church based ministry training initiative raising up Pastors, Worship leaders, Ministers, and Leaders to engage in local Church ministry, planting churches, evangelizing the lost, discipleship and caring for the people of God.

Summer Well-Equipped Worshipper Course

June, July, August
1st & 3rd Wednesdays

Topics will include:
Worship Leading and Bands
Song Writing
Vocal Training
Prophetic Worship

Open to All

“Jesus’ global evangelism plan is to build His Church”

Pastor James Weidner

Program Details

  • REACH’s EQUIP Program has partnered with Bethesda College (www.BethCollege.net) to accomplish our Bible degree training goals.
  • For credited worship degrees EQUIP uses CRUSE INSTITUTE for the ARTS led by Joe and Becky Cruse (https://cruseinstitute.org).
  • Counseling certification course are held through the Institute for Nouthetic Studies (https://nouthetic.org).
  • EQUIP will facilitate your registration, payments, onsite ministry requirements and training, internships and certain classes.
  • Classes will be held on-site at REACH as well as accessible online via Zoom.
  • The weekly class format will be a live, 1.5 hour lecture with a student assignment.
  • In addition there will be assigned book reading, papers, and assessments per instructor’s instructions.
  • One absence is allowed before the loss of a letter grade.
  • Associates degree is 60 credit hours
  • 13 core classes are required to be completed.
  • Internship/Service credits per semester. 
  • 4 Electives 
  • *Bachelor graduation comes with 60 more credit hours.

Bethesda Associates Degree

Bethesda Bachelors Degree

Core Classes
  • Pentateuch
  • Holy Spirit
  • Isaiah
  • Historical Books of the Bible
  • New Testament Survey
  • Revelation
  • Church History to 1650
  • Church History from 1650
  • Matthew, Mark, and Luke
  • John
  • Pauline Epistles
  • Restoration Books
  • Acts
  • 1 & 2 Corinthians
  • New Testament Theology
  • Jeremiah & Lamentations
  • James, Peter, John & Jude
  • Romans
  • Pastoral Letters
  • Hebrews
  • Proverbs, Eccl, Song of Solomon
  • Minor Prophets
  • Job, Psalms
  • Revival & Revivalists
  • Minor Prophets
  • Old Testament Survey
  • The History of the Christian Bible
  • Biblical Counseling

Full Course Descriptions available at Bethesda.net


REACH offers a ministry internship program for individuals desiring to be equipped in full-time or part-time local church ministry and/or wanting to develop their leadership skills.


  • High school graduates and above.
  • Minimum of 1 year commitment.
  • Attendance in all main services, events, and meetings.
  • Enrollment in a minimum of one Bible class per semester.
  • Up to 20 hours of weekly practicum hours in Services, RLC, Groups, Care, Events, and Camps.
  • Weekly scheduled meetings and intentional dialogues.
  • Focus on goal setting, future planning, organizational skills, ministry training.
  • Internship is a non-paid program.
  • Interns will need to be able to take care of their living expenses and have available time to fulfill internship requirements.
  • Credited Course fee $150
  • Book and equipment cost are separate.
Get in touch
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